Still Life, 2021


At the beginning of the quarantine, I found that I was craving the expanse of nature. I needed a big space to counter the small, tight living arrangement I was padding around in, day and day out. I felt like I was living in a sort of sensory deprivation state. Walking my dog through the neighborhood, I sought out things that were fragrant or tactile. I grew increasingly frustrated with what I could and could not touch, could and could not smell through my mask or see clearly through the constant fogging of my glasses. I began to collect bits and pieces of flora discarded in the process of growth as spring emerged. Once home I created still lifes on the bed of an old scanner. The general decrepitude of the ancient machine added a layer of challenge and maybe even whimsy, which I appreciated. 

Still Life is a work in progress in the truest sense of the expression. I am playing, exploring, and experimenting in an effort to keep sane during this insane time. 


In Progress: In Situ / Situational